The Red Cross is one of the largest
independent humanitarian networks in the world and cares for people in crisis in local communities
and overseas.
Money raised by Oxford2Oxford will directly support the work of the Red Cross. To find out how to
donate online please click one of the following links.
Or send a cheque..
Marked "Oxford2Oxford pg 6020 location 30200" on the reverse and made payable to Australian
Red Cross to GPO Box 9949 in your state capital city in Australia.
Marked "Oxford2Oxford" on the reverse and made payable to:
Julian J. Holmes-Taylor
National Events Manager
British Red Cross
UK Office
44 Moorfields
London EC2Y 9AL
Marked "Oxford2Oxford" on the reverse and made payable to
Freepost Red Cross,
PO Box 12-140,
New Zealand
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England to New Zealand in a 1954 Morris Oxford
On the 5th May 2004, we, Tim Nicholson and Joanne Bowlt, set off from Oxford, England, to drive to Oxford, New
Zealand, in a fifty year old Morris Oxford.
Our 1954 classic British car, called Florence, has steered clear of camels in the deserts of
North Africa, avoided Elephants and holy cows on the monsoon potholed roads of India, survived Singapore
super-efficiency and dodged Australian kamikaze Kangaroos and erratic Emus on route to New Zealand.
After nine sea crossings and 17,000 miles of driving we arrived in Oxford, New Zealand, on 13th February 2005.
Click here to see our Route
This extraordinary and challenging adventure of a lifetime is largely self-funded but we are
grateful to the assistance of several Sponsors
We have visited the Red Cross and Red Crescent in each country along our route and, having seen them in action
, encourage you to help us raise funds to support their valuable work.
All donations directly support the work of the Red Cross at home and overseas as part of the
International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Who are we?
We left our London jobs, let our flats, sold our modern cars and put our belongings into storage
in order to undertake this challenge.
Contact Us
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